Indoor flowers

Spectacular design: 3 important conditions for a group planting of indoor plants
As soon as the florist gains experience, he usually has a desire to experiment - for example, plant several flowers in one container, create a composition. How to do it correctly so that all plants develop, have a lush crown or flowering, we will tell in the article. Read more
10 places in your apartment where it is better not to put flowers in Feng Shui
Feng Shui was created to find the harmony of life in the surrounding space, and flowers have always been an important component of almost every home. Many houseplants create a positive aura in the home, so it is important to arrange them correctly. At the same time, there are 10 places in the apartment where it is better not to arrange flowers. Read more
10 edible flowers to grow in your mini garden at home
Flowers can be grown not only in the garden. Many of them grow successfully on the kitchen window. Moreover, they are not only beautiful but also edible. They can be used both to decorate dishes and to add new exquisite flavors to them. Therefore, such a vitamin garden will not be superfluous in any apartment. Chrysanthemum (vegetable variety) Read more
Floor flowers that attract the attention of everyone who sees them
Choosing a houseplant is not as easy as it might seem. If space permits, then floor options in large pots should be preferred. Such flowers will replace many of even the most beautiful small flowers, making the home environment more comfortable. Monstera Read more
5 flowers you can grow at home in a glass

Not all indoor plants require soil and bulky pots to grow and flower. For some, a lot of moisture is enough. And proper care will ensure a lush crown and abundant flowering.

Amaryllis Read more