
How to preserve hand skin after handling the ground without gloves
Working in the garden, vegetable garden or with houseplants is a joy. But only it may end with not the most pleasant moments. Women's hands, not protected by gloves, become dirty, and the skin is dry and rough. The means that are in every home can correct the situation. Read more
Cooking manti with pumpkin: an economical treat on your table!
Manty with pumpkin

In Kazakhstan and Central Asia, manti with pumpkin is very fond of. They are usually cooked in a steamed cooker. Minced meat as an additional component is usually made from lamb, but a mixture of different types is allowed. Pumpkin add-on fillings can also be potatoes, fat tail fat, poultry, or rice. In the season of this bright vegetable, we also offer you to try such an interesting dish, because there are many variations of it: both dietary and hearty!