Melons crops

How to grow zucchini seedlings: the right variety and planting dates

Zucchini is not always grown via seedlings. But if you want to get a harvest very early, this technique is used. There is nothing difficult in this, the biggest problems can be maintaining the required temperature and light regime in an apartment.

Watermelons in flower beds near Moscow: varieties for the Moscow region, agricultural technology and care features

Watermelon in flower beds near Moscow: fantasy or reality? It turns out that there is nothing unusual in this phenomenon for a long time. Of course, it will not be possible to grow striped berries as tasty as in the south, but enthusiasts are trying, and many are doing quite well.

The collective farmer is the most famous melon variety: description, cultivation features and ways to save the harvest

The collective farmer is perhaps the most famous melon variety. Many buyers, not familiar with the intricacies of culture, call this name and many other varieties, to some extent similar in appearance. The fruits of the collective farmer are relatively small, but very tasty, and the cultivation of this variety of melons is available even to novice gardeners.

Watermelon in the middle lane: how to grow this sweet juicy berry without a greenhouse

Watermelon has always been considered a giant southern berry, and few realize that 300 years ago they knew how to grow it in the Moscow region. True, then it did not receive mass distribution, since the lesson was not easy. Now, with the advent of new varieties and the development of technologies, these berries in central Russia have ceased to be exotic.

Growing watermelons in the Urals in the open field and in a greenhouse: the best varieties, planting and care features

Everyone's favorite watermelon is a traditional melon culture in the southern regions with a hot climate. The early ripening and hardy varieties created in recent decades have significantly expanded the boundaries of its cultivation, and now it is quite possible to get a harvest of your own watermelons even in the Urals.