
Perennial primrose: planting, care features, photo
Perennial primrose is a garden culture characterized by a variety of beautiful flowers, unpretentious nature and early flowering. Due to the fact that the plant does not require special care and at the same time has outstanding aesthetic qualities, the primrose has gained immense popularity not only among landscape design specialists, but also among ordinary amateur gardeners. And how many affectionate names the people have invented for this plant - these are keys, and talismans of happiness, and Easter flowers, and lambs.How to grow perennial primroses
Growing room primrose and home care
There are hundreds of houseplant options. Primrose is one of the most beloved species of flower growers: it has bright colors of various shades, blooms for a long time and is easy to care for. In this article we will tell you how to grow and care for this plant.Primrose plant - primrose
Growing primrose from seeds at home
Primrose is not only a beautiful, but also a rather unpretentious plant, because it can be grown outdoors and at home. The primrose pleases gardeners with early flowering, since its flowers open at the moment when the last snow melts. Because of this feature, primroses are considered harbingers of spring. At such moments, the moist dark earth looks very beautiful, which is decorated with blossoming primrose flowers.How to grow primroses from seeds
Primula - primrose flower, features of the variety
Primroses are widely known among flower growers due to their brightness, decorativeness and the possibility of using them both in the garden area and among indoor flowers. Mostly popular are low-growing primroses, which look elegant on flower beds, lawns, in alpine slides.Primrose flower
Home care for primrose akaulis mix
For most of us, primrose is just a beautiful flower, but if you get to know her better, you can learn a lot of interesting things. This member of the primrose family grows in many places on the planet in various forms. If we turn to unofficial sources, then this genus includes 400-550 species. Moreover, every year new varieties of primrose are discovered.How to care for a primrose