Features of growing periwinkle, photo of garden flowers

Periwinkle is a plant belonging to evergreen, deciduous and creeping herbaceous plants. Able to creep along the surface of the ground and survive in rather harsh conditions. It has leathery, juicy and shiny green leaves, which are located opposite each other on the shoots. Sometimes the leaves have a cream-colored border or spots.

Single large flowers are often blue, but also pink, white or purple. Grow out of the leaf axils. They have a funnel-shaped rim with a cylindrical tube.

The fruit of the plant is 2 cylindrical leaflets. There are up to 12 species of this plant in nature.

Types and varieties of periwinkle

Common types are:

  1. Features of growing periwinklePeriwinkle large... Very thermophilic, it is grown in the southern regions.
  2. Periwinkle. Grows in the middle lane and is found in the northern regions. It tolerates frost easily, does not require shelter.
  3. Pubescent periwinkle. Distributed in the forests of the Western Caucasus.
  4. Herb periwinkle. It grows in the wild in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Ukraine.
  5. Periwinkle pink. An evergreen shrub reaching a height of 60 cm.

There are cultivars:

  1. Alba has a white flower.
  2. Gold Vine - the center of the leaf is yellow, the border is green.
  3. Morning Glory is a bluish purple flower.
  4. Reticulata are yellow-veined leaves.
  5. Variegata (Elegantissima) - The leaves have a creamy white border and spots.

The advantages of growing a plant in a summer cottage:

  1. Prevents weeds from sprouting by covering the soil with a green, living carpet.
  2. The root system protects the soil from water loss and erosion.
  3. The stems keep the soil cool in summer and warm in winter.
  4. The plant, when dying off, is mulch, which helps to increase the amount of humus in the area.

Growing periwinkle

Planting is done in spring or late autumnwhen the dormant period has already begun. In the summer, you can also land, but only on a cloudy or rainy day.

When digging, mature compost must be added to the soil. It will grow well on well-drained and loose soil and in the shade and under the rays of the bright sun.

Sowing periwinkle

To decorate the garden plot with periwinkle, planting a flower it is better to start by sowing seeds... For this:

  1. Fill a wide container with formula.
  2. Make grooves 1 cm deep in the substrate.
  3. Put seeds in them, cover with an opaque film.
  4. Keep sowing at a temperature of at least + 25 ° C.
  5. After 6-9 days, seedlings will appear, the temperature will need to be slightly reduced.
  6. Transfer the container to a well-lit room.
  7. Seedling care requires the introduction of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

It is necessary to start picking seedlings when 4 leaves are formed. Watering seedlings should be moderate.

Caring for periwinkle

PeriwinkleIn favorable conditions, the plant grows very quickly. Therefore, it needs some care. Immediately after flowering, the flower must be trimmed so that it does not invade neighboring territories. In addition, the care will contribute to the formation of compact and lush curtains.

Plants require regular feeding with organic fertilizers. This must be done twice a season. You can also scatter humus over the area.

Mineral fertilizers are given once every 15 days, the solution is made weakly concentrated.

Watering is required on dry days, in spring and during the period of active development of the plant. In early spring, as well as at the end of summer, the soil must be pierced with a pitchfork to a depth of 20 cm to drain the soil.

Reproduction of periwinkle

You can propagate the plant by cuttings, dividing the bush, seeds and layering.

Periwinkle varieties large and small propagated by cuttings in July as follows:

  1. Long shoots with a sharp knife are cut into segments with 3-4 internodes.
  2. They are laid out on a pre-prepared area. It will take 15-20 pieces per square meter.
  3. Sprinkle the shoots on top with fertile soil.
  4. Watering.

When rooting cuttings after 1, 5 months, they are planted in a permanent place. The distance between the cuttings should be about 25 cm.

When propagating by layering you should not cut off shoots, they just need to be covered with earth, but the top is left open. After one month, the plants are dug up.

The bushes divide in late August or early spring. When dividing, it is necessary to keep the earthy lump.

Diseases and pests

Rarely, periwinkle is affected by rust or powdery mildew. These are fungal diseases. The fight is carried out by spraying with fungicides. Rust can be treated with Bordeaux liquid. You can purchase a comprehensive pest control product. Aphids are removed by Karbofos.

Preparing periwinkle for winter

An important point in plant care is preparing it for wintering:

  • small periwinkle can winter without shelter. It freezes only in a harsh and little snowy winter, but species with variegated leaves require warming;
  • large periwinkle is very thermophilic and requires its obligatory shelter;
  • pink periwinkle cannot winter in open ground;
  • young plants must be covered with spruce branches or foliage.

The healing properties of periwinkle

Periwinkle propertiesThe beneficial properties of the plant have long been used in traditional and folk medicine. Periwinkle is used to treat the heart and blood vessels. It contains anticancer and tannins, ursolic acid, mineral salts, vitamins and sugars.

The drugs cure cerebrovascular accident, ischemic disease, depression, neuroses, ENT diseases, rhinitis and many other ailments.

In folk medicine, the flower is used as a vasodilator, wound healing and antimicrobial.

Externally used for nasal and uterine bleeding, eczema, itching.


The plant is poisonous, so a doctor should prescribe the treatment. In case of an overdose, heart depression is possible. It is not recommended to take preparations containing periwinkle for pregnant women.

Periwinkle flower in landscape design

The flower can be grown in open spaces in order to design wide borders and bordering ridges, given that planting it is simple. The flower looks great in mixborders. Any photo shows how the flower emphasizes the beauty of the plants growing around it.

A flower planted on the site allows you to enjoy the excellent view of a green living carpet all year round.

Plant periwinkle
How to care for domestic periwinklePlant periwinkleDescription of the periwinkle flowerPeriwinkleBlooming periwinkleHow long does periwinkle bloomWhere can you plant periwinkleSpecial Periwinkle FlowerPeriwinkleGeneral features of growing periwinkleVarieties and varieties of periwinkleHow periwinkle growsGrowing periwinkleHow to plant a periwinklePeriwinkle flower variety

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