
Perennial asters: varieties of alpine asters, planting and care features
The perennial plant aster grows in nature in the South Urals, in Transcarpathia, in Asia and Europe, in the Caucasus. Today, these unpretentious plants are grown in almost all gardens, regardless of the region. Flowers adorn areas until frost, can be herbaceous and bushy, have a wide variety of flowers of various shapes and colors.Alpine aster
Astra garden: species, varieties with photos, names and descriptions of flowers
Asters are among the most famous garden flowers. They bloom beautifully, have a large variety of varieties and shapes, retain their decorative effect outdoors for a long time and look great in bouquets. Among the ancient Greeks, asters were a lucky charm, so they landed in front of a temple or house. The flower was dedicated to Aphrodite, who personified beauty and unfading youth.Different varieties of asters
Astra Milady: how to grow an exquisite variety from seeds and when is it better to plant it

Astra Milady is one of the most popular varieties among other varieties of asters. It is appreciated by gardeners for its simplicity in care, splendor and variety of colors of buds during flowering, which retain freshness for a long time. These annuals are compact in size, so they do not take up much space in the garden. The good news is that flowers bloom at the end of summer, when the rest of the vegetation is already dying off.

How to grow delicate needle asters?
Astra is a plant that does not require complex care, but at the same time pleases with its flowering for a long time. It decorates flower beds and summer cottages until the first cold weather, while all other perennials are already fading. Therefore, the plant is very popular with flower growers. There are about 500 types of asters, but the needle type is the most interesting.

Such curious pompom asters: when to plant and how to grow the most beautiful ones?
Pompom aster is distinguished by very beautiful flowers, formed in the form of a hemisphere of densely growing petals. The flowers resemble the pom-poms of children's hats. Such asters are appreciated for their decorativeness and undemandingness to growing conditions. There are two ways to plant asters: seeds in open ground and seedlings. You can find out when to plant pompom asters when growing from seeds or seedlings from the lunar calendar.