
Planting lilies in the fall - all options and their effectiveness

Lilies are often the main decoration of a garden or front garden. It is not in vain that this flower is popularly called the "Tsar's crown". He requires a special approach for planting and further care. This technology has its own secrets. Novice flower growers want to know why planting lilies in the fall is so important, when and how to plant them so that they bloom and delight the eye for years.

Transplanting lilies in the fall: step by step instructions
lily flowers

Caring for plants is not easy. Especially a lot of difficulties arise when you need to take care of rather capricious flowers. Lilies are one of those. Even the usual transplantation of lilies in the fall to another place requires a serious approach. It is necessary to take into account several subtleties so that the plants begin in a new bed, bloom well and do not start to hurt. Improperly transplanted flowers may bloom too late the next year or not bloom at all. How to avoid such undesirable consequences?

OT lilies - varieties of hybrids and care features
All About Hybrid Lilies

OT lilies are hybrids of Tubular representatives with Orientals (oriental lilies), were bred in 1952 by American breeders and subsequently improved by Dutch botanists.

A distinctive feature of this hybrid is a strong peduncle; flowers can be either cuboid or drooping. The best varieties of OT lilies have up to 30-40 peduncles on one stem and look like a ready-made bouquet. Hybrids are distinguished by their beauty, strength, high growth and a pronounced aroma. It blooms earlier than other varieties.

All About Hybrid Lilies