
Growing and caring for edible physalis: tips, photos
How to grow physalis
Physalis has been known to man since ancient times. The first people to get acquainted with this plant were the inhabitants of North and South America, who grew Physalis 7000 BC. e. Moreover, this berry plant can be cultivated in the conditions of our country. Unfortunately, not all gardeners have the necessary information about the peculiarities of growing and caring for physalis. Therefore, it is so extremely rare to be found on the sites.How to grow physalis
Walnut: varieties, photos, cultivation features
All about walnuts

The attractive deciduous walnut tree grows in many countries of Europe and Asia Minor, in southern Kyrgyzstan and northern China. In order to get ripe fruits, in Russia until recently this heat-loving plant was bred only to the latitudes of Voronezh. But thanks to the work of breeders, it became possible to grow some tree varieties in the South Urals and in the Central region. They are distinguished by high yield, winter hardiness, excellent fruit quality, disease and pest resistance.

All about walnuts
Useful properties of actinidia and contraindications
All about actinidia

Actinidia belongs to plants that help to cope with a huge number of diseases. Most people know it because of the fruit called kiwi. It is known that these fruits have useful properties, but which ones, very few people know. We will talk about the properties of actinidia and contraindications to its use below.

All about actinidia