Garden plants

Bobovnik in the Moscow region: planting and care, golden rain in the photo
Bobovnik is a beautiful tree widely used in parks and private gardens. Its highlight is a lush bright yellow bloom, as you can see in the photo. The inflorescences are collected in long brushes, which is why the plant has a different name - Golden rain. The flowering itself begins in May and lasts a whole month. The plant belongs to the legume family and when the time comes, it bears fruit - flat, shiny beans. A new tree can grow from each such seed.How to care for a bean
Garden balsam: growing from seeds, planting and care
Due to the long blooming beautiful flowers and unpretentiousness, balsam has long been popular as a houseplant. Currently, the flower is widely used for growing in open ground, decorating front gardens, flower beds, flower beds and borders with its large flowers. Subject to all the requirements for planting and care, balsam can be grown from seeds and admire its flowering for a long time.How to grow balsam
Caring for clivia at home: why doesn't it bloom?
Clivia has been known in Europe since the 19th century, when she was first brought to the continent. And, since that time, it has been actively grown as a houseplant. At the first acquaintance with this flower, florists drew attention to its unusual bright flowers adorning a large number of peduncles growing up to 33 cm in height.It is enough to have only one clivia bush in the house so that it amazes the grower with its beauty, because it can simultaneously tie up to 26 bright large flowers.How to care for your clivia
The plant is Indian and Chilean sucker, is there such a tree?
Loch Indian is a common herb with many beneficial properties. In the European part, the oak tree has a close relative - a tree with the name "wild olive", or narrow-leaved oak. What properties does this plant have and how to grow it - read the article.Plant features
How you can make a yucca fluffier
A perennial tree plant Yucca from the genus Agavaceae (Agavaceae) resembles a miniature palm tree. However, the genus has up to fifty species of perennial plants, and among them there are real giants: for example, the elephant yucca reaches ten meters in height. In the practice of world gardening - growing a plant both in the open air and as an indoor decoration. At home, the crown of the plant is often pruned to make the yucca fluffier.How to make a yucca fluffy