
Why Benjamin's ficus does not grow - features of cultivation
Among all the variety of indoor plants, ficus is very popular, which can be an excellent decoration for a winter garden or living quarters. Some people almost attribute magical properties to ficuses. Information has reached our days that this plant can maintain clean air in the room, eliminate negative emotions and negative energy, and also keep the idyll of family life in the house.Why Benjamin's ficus doesn't grow
How to propagate rubber ficus at home
If you look into the houses of domestic flower growers, then most likely you can find such a plant as ficus. Many show interest in him not only because of the love of exoticism. Indeed, for many it is also important that it does not cause problems in care. In recent years, more and more novice florists have been trying to acquire this indoor plant. Because of this, flower lovers are still interested in what conditions ficus grows best, and what are the ways to reproduce it at home, how to root the ficus.How to grow and propagate ficus
How to propagate Benjamin's ficus at home?
Ficus is an ornamental plant found in almost every apartment. It can be as small as it can grow to the ceiling. A large number of varieties makes it possible to create various interesting compositions. The plant is unpretentious in care and reproduces quite easily.How to grow ficus Benjamin
Ficus Benjamin: how to take care of him at home?
Wild species of Benjamin ficus are most common in Australia, the Philippines, South Asia, as well as India and China. This plant belongs to the mulberry family and can reach a height of no more than 25 m. The most vividly decorative properties are expressed in leaves with a smooth shape, with an aesthetic glossy overflow. They may differ in length, which is determined by the variety, but usually these ficuses have the following dimensions: length - 4-12 cm, width - 3-6 cm.All about Benjamin's ficus
How to form the crown of rubber ficus: pruning, photo
Ficus is a rather unique flower, because unlike other indoor plants, it only grows upward. Not every grower will be happy with this fact. Indeed, in this case, you will have to regularly prune in order to give the ficus the necessary shape. However, not everyone can do this task, because only a few know how to cut a ficus.How to form a crown for a ficus