
How to protect an apple tree from mice and how to restore it in case of severe damage
Apple tree gnawed by mice

After the end of the summer season, it is necessary to prepare the apple orchard for winter. Every gardener knows: in the cold season, fruit plantings can suffer not only in severe cold or thaw. Mice cause considerable harm to trees. Small trees are especially vulnerable: pests gnaw their trunks and roots. The favorite food of mice is apple trees, whose bark has a soft structure and, unlike stone fruit crops, is not bitter. Rodents are most active in late winter - early spring, when, in search of food, they make massive invasions of apple trees, severely damaging the bark around the trunk, which often becomes the reason for their death. Therefore, one of the main tasks of gardeners is to carry out protective measures in the fall, and if trees are damaged by mice, apply effective rescue methods.

Apple tree Gala is a world famous variety popular in the south of Russia

The Gala variety managed to become famous all over the world and only then, already famous, came to Russia. But this apple tree bears fruit well only in the south of our country, since it does not have a high winter hardiness. However, even when growing in warm regions, you need to know and take into account the characteristics of the variety.