Plant diseases

Why does not eucharis bloom? Home care
Eucharis is an attractive bulbous flower. It is undemanding to care, but if you do not follow some rules, its decorative effect will decrease, and flowering will not come. Most often, flower growers have to deal with a similar problem at the stage of development of the Amazon lily.How to care for eucharis
How to deal with mealybugs on indoor plants?
Indoor plants can decorate any apartment and make it more comfortable. Few can bloom for a long time, such as the orchid, which pleases with its flowers for more than six months. But there are situations that the plant suddenly becomes covered with a white bloom. Most often, this indicates that it was attacked by a parasite such as a mealybug. Florists almost always cope with this problem successfully. It is necessary to figure out what a mealybug is, a photo of which can be seen in this article, and how to deal with it.We fight the mealybug
Spatsifilus at home: care, why leaf tips dry
Among the many varieties of domestic plants, spathiphyllum is very popular. Many housewives love this tropical flower. Caring for it is simple, but when the cold season comes, the plant reacts sharply to dry air in the living room. The tips of the leaves begin to dry out and turn black. For what reason is an indoor flower sick and how to help a beloved plant?How to care for Spatsifilus
Diseases of violets with photos: effective methods of their treatment
The violet is considered a capricious houseplant that is prone to various diseases. This beautiful flower needs constant care and attention. Saintpaulia has a very delicate stem, so it always becomes the object of attack by pests, which must be got rid of. In addition, she is susceptible to various diseases.What are violets sick with
Diseases of indoor plants, how to deal with them, photos of pests
It is very unpleasant when your favorite indoor flower starts to hurt. Consider the likely causes of what is happening, identify the pathogens and learn how to deal with them. So, what diseases of indoor plants are there, what drugs are there to eliminate them, and can flowers fully recover after treatment?All about plant diseases